The Building Continues…

It only took me an hour, but I was finally able to customize my plugin to my liking.

For the sidebars, all I really did was delete the phrases I didn’t want/need (FAQ, shopping, events, etc.) because there wasn’t much else to customize.

For the plugin, I chose WPB Accordions because I didn’t like the display of my menu buttons. I was going for a hamburger menu look such as on my main domain, but I’m also happy with the dropdown menu look. I might try to customer the buttons more later on.

Next, I scrolled through the different appointment types offered by the DKC. There were three that caught my eye as ones I’m most excited to learn about:

  1. HCC Production Studio Training
  2. Cricut Training
  3. Podcast Studio Training

I’m super interested in developing my video and audio recording/editing skills, which is why I’m looking forward to the studio training sessions. However, I’m also hyped up for the Cricut training so that I can start making my own stickers and other designs!


One response to “The Building Continues…”

  1. Feli Badji Avatar
    Feli Badji

    Your website looks great! You should definitely try customizing those buttons. They’ll add so much to your site, and you’ll be even more prepared for the many mock consultations we throw at you. And I love that you linked your main domain so I could read about your hair journey.

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