
I created my own sites@umw. Here is the link to My Sample Site. I chose to theme the website as if it were just an example to be used to model sites@umw to someone who doesn’t know what it is.

I would explain the difference between sites@umw and domain of one’s own as such: sites@umw is a much simpler way to web build. If DoOO is a plot of land, than sites@umw is renting an apartment. The URL is connected to UMW, but you can utilize it for (almost) whatever you want.

Sites@umw has less freedom when it comes to themes and customization, but it’s a little more user-friendly and intuitive than DoOO.


One response to “Sites@UMW”

  1. Feli Badji Avatar
    Feli Badji

    Great example site I’ll start using it immediately! And is the name you created for the author ‘Example Site’? Are you the site and the site is you?

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