I have to start this out by saying that it was absolutely brutal to watch half an hour of footage of myself giving a consultation.
Now onto the reflection!
The part of the consultation that I felt most confident in was establishing the subdomain. This is because I was able to practice that skill in my first consultation, so it was fresher in my memory. I got a little tripped up on pro themes, but I asked my fellow consultants for help and Katy gave a great explaination.
By far the trickiest part of the consultation was trying to add a social media button that would lead directly to May Day’s LinkedIn. Since I’m not using my website in a strictly professional manner and I don’t have any social media, I hadn’t even considered how one might link their social media to their website.
After I had her aimlessly click around for a while, May Day took pity on me and discovered the social media button. Even then, I couldn’t figure out how to link it. Oh well. Zoe helped show me afterward, so hopefully I can do it next time.
Another tricky part was figuring out the best way to put May Day’s resume on the website. I think the way I had her do it is wrong. In the future, I believe the best way to link a resume is by inserting a PDF file? (Feli or Zoe correct me in the comments if I’m wrong.)
As for how I went about figuring out the student’s needs, I had May Day pull up the assignment so I could read it myself. I also just let her talk while I listened to what she was highlighting as important for the assignment.
From this experience, I learned that my consulting style right now is “let’s figure this out together.” I would like to say it’s because I want to empower my clients to become more tech savvy, but it’s really because I don’t know much about WordPress or the troubleshooting of it.
Next time, I will try to cut down on the aimless clicking around to figure stuff out. I will do this by asking my coworkers for advice, using the DKC guides (both online and printed), and not being afraid to Google things.
Maybe I can also use my own computer more and see what happens on my website for various things?
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